Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Travel Opportunity Announcement

Parents of 8th graders through High School, Invitations were sent home earlier this week, inviting your child on a life-changing, educational experience to Greece, summer 2021.  We want to be sure you received this email and that you understand how to RSVP to our Parent Interest meeting next week. Thank you to everyone who has already RSVP’d, this email does not apply to you.

If you plan to attend our mandatory interest meeting on Thursday, November 21st and have not yet RSVP’d, be sure to do so by clicking the following link:

We want to give this opportunity to any student who is interested - we just ask that you attend next week’s meeting to be sure you have the info you need to enroll by the deadline. The last day to guarantee your spot with the $95 deposit is Tuesday, December 3rd.

Anyone who attends our session and reserves their spot on the trip with the $95 deposit, will receive a $200 discount ($300 if you are a repeat traveler!)

Again, here is the link to RSVP, we’d really appreciate if you could take some time to fill this info- it takes less than 1 minute: