Wednesday, November 13, 2019
EBHS Fall Play
“Based on the novel by...” is once again on the publicity poster for EBHS’ Fall Play, directed by Mrs. Janice McDonald. It’s no surprise that this former English teacher most often produces plays based on literature, and this year she has chosen The Outsiders, a popular young adult novel by S.E. Hinton, adapted by Christopher Sergal. High School students have been rehearsing for over 6 weeks to learn mid-century vocabulary and slang, stage combat, and learning about the class war depicted in the play. The main character, Ponyboy, with his friend Johnny, are “greasers” from the wrong side of the tracks, and struggle to make their way amidst the more privileged “Socials”. The play runs from Nov. 23-25 at 7:30 pm in the old EBHS gym, and general admission tickets are $5.