Wednesday, September 12, 2018
EBHS CC Region 3 Preview Results
The East Bernard Girls and Boys Cross Country teams competed in the Region 3 Preview in Huntsville this past Saturday having the opportunity to compete against several teams that are in our Region as well as the chance to run on the Regional Course. The Boys competed first against 20 team in the 1A - 4A Division. As a team, the boys finished 10th overall. Individually, Mason Crist finished first for East Bernard in 23rd place, followed by Bo Badger in 41st, Austin Drapier in 65th, Barrett Whitley in 70th, Kolby Townsend in 83rd, Ethan Rejsek in 106th, and Jackson Barta in 110th. There were 162 runners competing in the race. In the Varsity Girls race, East Bernard finished as the Runner-up team behind Fairfield, the same team that edged the Brahmarettes out last week at the SFA Invitational. Fairfield was 1st with 47 points, East Bernard 2nd with 62 points, McGregor 3rd with 103 points, Huffman 4th with 144 points, and Franklin 5th with 159 points to round out the top 5 teams from the 18 teams competing in the 1A - 4A Division. Individually, Madison Muzik finished 4th and Aracely Acevedo was 10th to earn medalist honors. Libby Hancock finished 12th, Emma Alexander 20th, Alyssa Schulte 26th, Samatha Rabius 27th, Caitlyn Fuechec 30th, Kimball Swiger 34th, Erica Beaird 36th, Sophie Morrow 53rd, Alejandra Avila 63rd, and Maria Avila 78th with 150 girls competing in the race. Congratulations to all the runners. All the East Bernard CC teams will be competing in Shiner on Saturday at Green Dickson Park next to the High School. The Varsity Girls will race first at 8:30 followed by the Varsity Boys at 8:55, , the JV Girls and Boys will race together at 9:25, and the JH Boys and Girls will race together at 9:50