Parents and students may use the Texas Assessment Data Portal to see the STAAR and EOC confidential student reports. Here are the instructions on how to get there:
Type in student's first name only
Then type in PEIMS number (same as social security number)
Use drop down menu for birth date
Hit "GO" in the blue circle. This will bring up the unique access code.
Hit "GO" in the blue circle again. This will bring up the individual scores.
Here's the explanation:
Did not meet grade level = not passing
Approaches = passing
Meets = prepared for next grade level
Masters = on track for career and college readiness
For paper copies provided by the school, you may pick up on the individual campuses at the day/time/place specified below:
Elementary: Wednesday, August 16, 1:00-4:00 p.m. in the Principal's office
Junior High School: Wednesday, August 16, 1:00: grade 8, 1:30: grade 7, 2:00: grade 6, 2:30: grade 5 in the Principal's office
High School: when Fall schedules are distributed (date to be announced) in the Counselor's office