Thursday, June 2, 2016

2015 EBHS Yearbook Staff Receives "Best of 2015" Award

East Bernard High School Recognized for Yearbook Excellence
DALLAS (special) - The East Bernard High School yearbook staff has been recognized by
Balfour Yearbooks for capturing the moments of the year in words and pictures. The East Bernard
High School yearbook is featured in the 2016 Yearbook Yearbook, an annual collection of superior
student work. The yearbook adviser is Laura Kubena.

"Congratulations to every school featured in this 30th edition. As journalists we tell stories both
visually and verbally. I have been privileged to edit this inspiration piece for the past eleven years,
and I am humbled by your efforts to tell your stories well. Being selected for Yearbook Yearbook is
like being handed an Oscar, an acknowledgement of exceptional work," editor Marilyn Scoggins
said. "Every staff featured can take pride in knowing their work will be an inspiration for other
student journalists. We honor the best of the best in this edition of Yearbook Yearbook."

Yearbooks published by Balfour were evaluated in one or more of the following areas: theme
development, layout design, photo content, secondary packages and cover design. The 2016
Yearbook Yearbook showcases 2015 yearbooks. East Bernard High School's outstanding work
earned a Best recognition in Yearbook Yearbook. Balfour honors fewer than one percent of
yearbook staffs with this distinction.

Members of the staff that are not pictured are 2015 graduates: Andrew Hudgins (Editor in Chief) Erin Cullers, Maggie Cheatham, Lissa Blackert, Rachel olak and  Leanne Repka.