Our Academic UIL students did fantastic today. In true Brahma fashion, they brought home quite a bit of hardware. Here are the medalist for today. We had several that were close to medaling as well.
Amber Adamcik - 1st Accounting
Jared Rejsek - 6th Accounting
Accounting Team Alternate to State (Amber, Jared, Tyler Vasut and Austin Henry, Blake Whitley (alt)
Sara Marie Berrett - 1st Persuasive Speaking
Russell Zahradnik 4th Prose
Claudia Zapalac 3rd News Writing
Kayla Rieger 2nd Headline Writing
The 1st thru 3rd place individual places advance to state competition in Austin on May 24th. Give these kids and coaches a big hand. It takes true dedication and hours of work to make it to the state level. Great job to all!