Undefeated District Champs
The Brahmarettes finished their regular season Tuesday evening against Rice. Both the JV and Varsity teams won
Varsity won 25-16, 25-12, 25-19 Finalizing the standings as not only District Champs, but Undefeated District Champs
The girls have worked all year to reach their goal of district champs, and now they are excited to move on to the next level. We will play a warm-up game against Columbus on Friday at 4:30 here. The 1st play-off game will not be until November 1-3. We will keep everyone posted.
Kill leaders Terralyn Williams 19, Ashley Dusek 14, Kori Slanina 5
Kelsey Goodwin had 32 assists
Dusek along with Angelica Lopez each had 3 aces and Slanina added 2
Dusek dug up 15 attacks and Amanda Boettcher dug 14
Miranda Lehmann was our block leader with 3 solos and Dusek had 2
I am very proud of these girls for making a goal and working hard to stay focus and achieve it. One down and more to go.