Wednesday, May 10, 2017

2017 March of the Maroon Information

Dear Brahma Friends and Family:
This is Year 2 of March of the Maroon! As you know, East Bernard is steeped in wonderful traditions—some that have not waivered forever. Tradition is not just meant to preserve the past, but also to pass on the flame! On Monday, May 22, 8:30 a.m., we will have our March of the Maroon, which is a parade of 2017 seniors paired with our kindergartners, Class of 2029! It’s the beginning and the end of the walk as a Brahma, and we want you to share it with us.
Here’s the plan:
Seniors and Kindergarteners will be dressed in their caps and gowns. Band will be leading and following, playing the Fight Song, another big tradition here in EB! The drop off point will be at the Junior High School gym, where we will all be there cheering them on! Are you a Brahma graduate? If you are, stop by the table in the junior high gym foyer. Pick up a page and fill in your year of graduation. You will be asked to hold these up and be recognized during the assembly. 

If you want to take a seat in the Junior High gym, you may, or if you want to see the procession, here is the route: start in cafeteria, old elementary, new elementary,  junior high, high school wing, Naiser building, main high school building, to end in the Jr. High Gym.  *If you do watch the procession, we only ask one thing of you: once the procession starts into the JH gym, please do not break up the line to get into the gym. Either be ahead of them, or after the line and band are completely into the gym. We will have a guest speaker, recognition of EBHS graduates, past, present, and future, and then sing the school song together. 

If you have any questions, please email Ruth Ellen Sharp at or Melissa Janecek at, or Stephanie Guthman at   We’d love to have you celebrate this special time in the lives of our Brahmas, the new ones and the seasoned ones. Wear your favorite colors: maroon and white!
See you then!