Tuesday, October 25, 2016

EBHS Special Events Dress Code Announced

In response to numerous student and parental inquiries as to acceptable dress code guidelines for events such as our homecoming court, prom, and banquets honoring our students, we are excited to announce our EBHS Special Events Dress Guidelines. While we have our daily dress code, and a special dress code for the EBHS graduation ceremony, we currently do not have any guidelines for our other special events.  We believe that the development and implementation of these guidelines will provide consistency when it comes to our other special events.  It is important to remember that while participation in EBHS special events is designed to enhance the overall high school experience and create lifelong memories, participation in these events is purely voluntary.  
    It is our intent that these guidelines will provide standards that are reflective of the values and morals of the community, while allowing the students to enjoy the events in a more formal atmosphere.  In short, the students will be allowed to deviate from the normal school dress code, but with age appropriate limitations.  We believe that we have created guidelines that will withstand the ever changing fashion trends and styles, and that we have now provided our students and parents with easy to follow guidelines while shopping for that special outfit.
    I would like to thank Mrs. Michele Grymes for her time and diligence in researching and spearheading the development of these guidelines.  However, as with every event that falls under the EBHS umbrella, the principal reserves the right of final interpretation regarding dress code issues.  Any questions regarding the Special Events Dress Guidelines should be directed to the high school office.

Special Note:
    Any student that has already purchased an outfit for the 2017 EBHS Prom that does not meet the Special Events Dress Code, please bring a picture of the outfit to Mr. Janczak prior to November 1 for approval or denial.