Upcoming matches:
Thursday, October 16, 2014
East Bernard vs Danbury at DanburyThursday, October 16, 2014
7B @ 5:00
(approximate times)
(approximate times)
8B @ 5:45
7A @ 6:30
8A @ 7:30
Monday, October 20, 2014
East Bernard vs VanVleck at East Bernard
7C vs 8C Inter-Squad Scrimmage @ 4:00
(30 minute running clock or 2 games to 25 whichever comes first)
(30 minute running clock or 2 games to 25 whichever comes first)
(approximate times)
8B @ 5:45
7A @ 6:30
8A @ 7:30
7B @ 5:00