This FINAL notice is to remind you to have
your child completely immunized before he/she starts 7th grade. A letter was sent home regarding the
immunization requirements needed in order to be in compliance with the Texas
Department of State Health Services.
Your child
will need to be in compliance with his/her shot record in the nurse’s office in
order to pick up their schedule and start school. The nurse’s office will be closed during the
summer, but will reopen on August 6th,
2014. If you have received updated
immunizations, fax or bring the updated shot record by our office. Please
give us a call if you have any questions regarding your child’s immunization
Thank you for your cooperation.
Sandra Dusek, R.N.
District Nurse for EBISD
(Fax# 979-335-6415)
(Office# 979-335-7519 Ext. 123)