WHO: Parents of EBISD Elementary, Jr. High, and High School Students who are Cast or Crew of "The Wizard of Oz".
WHAT: Informative/Involvement Meeting
WHEN: Monday, October 10, 2011, 6pm - 7pm
WHERE: Cafeteria
WHY: To inform you about your student's involvement in the EBHS Theatre Department's Musical Production of "The Wizard of Oz".
If you are unable to attend this meeting, you may contact: Theatre Director: Marjorie Tydlacka marjorie.tydlacka@ebisd.org 979-335-7519, ext. 143 or cell 979-533-8407
Vocal Director: Christa Simpson christa.simpson@ebisd.org 979-335-7519, ext. 159 or cell 281-788-1342