Monday, April 30, 2018

State FFA Contest Results

During the madness of the Wharton County Fair, EB FFA members also participated in 3 State FFA Contests.  

Colton Hundl, Jared Fuechec, Jonah Korenek, and Jacob Minks placed 8th out of 30 teams at the State Agricultural Technical & Mechanical Systems contest on Friday, April 27th. This is the boys third and final year to qualify for the state contest as they are all Seniors and they made it count. Jonah was the 9th High Scoring Individual at the contest.

Kendall Araguz, Chloe Howard, Abbey Sellers, and Reagan Whitley (Not Pictured- left for Regional Track) placed 15th out of 49  at the State Farm Business Management contest on Friday, April 27th. This was the 3rd year in a row that the team (different members each year, except Chloe Howard who has been on the team all 3 years) has qualified for the State Contest. The Good News is that all 4 of these members will be back on the team for next years contests.

Shane Hlavinka, JR Schauer, Colby Jedlicka, and Sydney Lackey competed in the State FFA Livestock Judging Contest on Saturday, April 28th after a long grueling fair week for each of them. This was the all the members first time qualifying for the State contest. They ended up 49thout of 97 teams. Good news here again is that they are all sophomores and are all very committed to doing even better next year.