Monday, September 18, 2017

EBJHS Volleyball LCISD Tournament Results

Saturday, September 16, 2017
8A/8B Lamar Consolidated Volleyball Tournament

8A Pool Play Scores:
EB vs Leaman        15-13, 15-9
EB vs Briscoe         15-10, 15-10
EB vs George          15-7, 15-9

Championship Bracket Scores:
EB vs Reading       Win    20-25, 25-18, 15-3
EB vs Bellville       Win   10-25, 25-20, 16-14  TOURNAMENT CHAMPIONS!

This 8th A team played with much pride, determination, confidence and  pure heart to take the championship trophy this weekend at the LCISD Tournament.  These girls lost the first set in both bracket play matches against Reading and Bellville but their was not a chance these young ladies would allow their team to lose without a fight.  They came back in the 2nd and 3rd sets of both matches but the 3rd set of the Bellville match was the final drive and something special to share.  They were down 9-13 and they never looked back winning 16-14.  Each of these girls played their hearts out “leaving it all on the court” which was a tough challenge against a very confident and well coached team. Our kids overcame what seemed impossible to some but not in the eyes of this group of young Brahmarettes.  Congratulations to all of these young ladies for their passion and determination to fight till the end to take the Championship Trophy!  


8B Pool Play Scores:
EB vs Leaman     10-15, 15-11
EB vs Briscoe      13-15,  13-15
EB vs George       15-9,  15-8

Championship Bracket Scores:
EB vs Reading      Loss  16-25, 19-25
EB vs Needville    Win   25-21, 25-23 3RD PLACE Tournament Winners!
These young ladies played hard all day Saturday against some tough competition. They represented EBJH very well!  We are very proud of their accomplishments.
Our next match is Monday, September 18, 2017 at East Bernard vs Brazos.  The 7C team will begin play at 4:30 with 7B, 8B, 7A and 8A to follow.