Monday, November 21, 2016

EB FFA Competes at Area Contest

The EB FFA Agricultural Issues team competed at the Area 3 LDE Contest on Saturday, November 19th and placed 4th in a stiff competition of 14 teams.  The team consisted of Brent Vacek, Cheyenne Novicke, Monica Reyna, Shawna Lackey and Savannah Goudeau.  The teams presentation was titled "Animal Agriculture: The Future of Antibiotics",  in which they gave the pros and cons antibiotic use in food producing animals.  

The judges had positive feedback to say about our presentation.  They were impressed with the innovation we brought to the table.  Congratulations to these  5 members who put in long hours of practice to be the best they could be.  If you see them, please congratulate them.  

Picture Attached L to R: Brent Vacek, Shawna Lackey, Monica Reyna, Cheyenne Novicke, Savannah Goudeau