Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Reminder of School Policy for Illness

 EBISD policy for illness during this cold and flu season.
  • Fever at or above 100.4, active vomiting or diarrhea means exclusion from school until 24 hours after symptoms subside.
  • A student needs to be fever free without meds i.e. Tylenol/Motrin for 24 hours prior to returning to school

Thank you so much for your assistance in trying to decrease the spread of illness between our students. As always please encourage hand washing and covering coughs.

 If you have a confirmed case of flu/strep or other contagious disease please let us know so that we can stay abreast of any new outbreaks.  If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call my office
979-335-7519 ext. 123.
Thank You,
Sandra Dusek RN, District Nurse EBISD