Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Charter Bus for Friday?

We have 13 seats available on Bus # 2 heading to Dripping Springs. If you are interested, or know someone that's interested please have them contact Keri Slanina or Ronnye New. The first 13 responses will get a seat!
The EB Athletic Booster Club is surveying the community.....
Who is interested in riding a chartered bus to Dripping Springs @ $ 25 a person?
The bus holds 56 people. If we recieve a large response, we will reserve additional buses.  We plan on leaving around 2:30pm Friday afternoon. We will depart from the New HS gym.  If we have enough interest, we will need $$$ by Wed 5pm.  Please contact Ronnye New or Keri Slanina.
Ronnye New   ronnye.new@ebisd.org
Keri Slanina    keri.slanina@ebisd.org